Stoneygate Mini’s and Juniors train at Uppingham Community College on a Sunday morning.
We have a good core of children training at under 6 – under 14/15. The main catchment area for players is around the Welland Valley and Rutland area but we have some players coming from Great Glen and Countesthorpe.
We encourage new players and coaches so if you are interested or know of anyone who may be interested, please feel free to come along or contact one of the coaches below:
Training and matches take place every Sunday morning from 10.30am – 12.00 mid-day. The season begins on the first Sunday in September and runs to the first weekend in May.
There are a number of matches for all ages throughout the season. These include a number of friendlies (both home and away) and county cup and other competitions.
Information for each age group will be issued by the relevant coaching/admin team at the start of each week
U6’s – u6@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U7’s – u7@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U8’s – u8@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U9’s – u9@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U10’s – u10@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U11’s – u11@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U12’s – u12@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U13’s – u13@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U14’s – u14@stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U15’s – u15 @stoneygaterfc.co.uk
U16’s – u16 @stoneygaterfc.co.uk
Being a

Annual fees are as follows:
Mini/Junior membership for 1 child: £65 total
Your Year Group Coach will be able to help / guide you through Player Registration
Player Registration is through the RFU’s GMS ( Mandatory) and requires the Parent to Purchase membership for their child ( parent pays but in the childs name not their own ) and affiliates the player as a Stoneygate Player.
Membership should be completed by End of September to provide the correct cover.
Being a member of Stoneygate FC
We encourage all parents and players to take an active role in the club.
As well as both junior and senior rugby, there are a number of social events that take place at the club throughout the year.
There are always opportunities for volunteers so please let your age group team know if you can help!
Courses are available for injury, first aid and safeguarding, in addition to coaching and refereeing qualifications too
RFU Registration
In addition to club membership, all players will need to be RFU registered.